Best mining software for ubuntu 2017
Best mining software for ubuntu 2017

  1. #Best mining software for ubuntu 2017 install#
  2. #Best mining software for ubuntu 2017 drivers#
  3. #Best mining software for ubuntu 2017 update#
  4. #Best mining software for ubuntu 2017 password#

Repeat the red font for each card you have in the machine. Sudo nvidia-settings -c :0 -a /GPUTargetFanSpeed=95 Sudo nvidia-settings -c :0 -a /GPUFanControlState=1 Sudo nvidia-settings -c :0 -a /GPUGraphicsClockOffset=-200 Sudo nvidia-settings -c :0 -a /GPUMemoryTransferRateOffset=1000 Ssh back into the machine and issue your over clocks for your cards Sudo sed -i '/Driver/a Option "Interactive" "False"' /etc/X11/nf Sudo nvidia-xconfig -a -allow-empty-initial-configuration -cool-bits=28 -use-display-device="DFP-0" -connected-monitor="DFP-0" -custom-edid="DFP-0:/etc/X11/dfp-edid.bin" -enable-all-gpus Issue the following and reboot the machine after this should bring you back to your regular shell Use your arrow keys to scroll down to the bottom of the file and at the last word and letter of that file. choose xdmĬopy and paste the following lines into the file. You will get a prompt asking which session manager you want.

#Best mining software for ubuntu 2017 install#

Sudo apt-get install build-essential xserver-xorg p7zip xorg-dev libgtk-3-dev xdm -y

best mining software for ubuntu 2017

Sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev -y Install more software which will allow us to connect to our pools which require https and x-org (a window session manager - graphical interface) This process took around 20-40 minutes per line to complete on my system. this is the file we downloaded from Nvidia and is what we will use to install cuda on our system. Notice in the above wget, we have a file named cuda_9.1.85_387.26_n. Below is an example of what the command looks like Issue wget and paste the link from the Nvidia website. Right Click the Download (1.6GB) and choose copy linkīack to your SSH client into your rig. Make your selection of OS (Linux -> x86_64 -> Ubuntu -> 17.04 -> run file (local)

#Best mining software for ubuntu 2017 drivers#

Head on over to Nvidia and download the Cuda drivers

#Best mining software for ubuntu 2017 update#

Sudo apt-get install apt-file -y & sudo apt-file update Sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa libxi-dev libxmu-dev libglu1-mesa-dev -y Sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy -y Sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev -y Sudo apt-get install nvidia-387 -y (current version as of 11-30-17) Sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa -y Sudo apt-get install nvidia-common nvidia-prime nvidia-settings -y Sudo apt-get install linux-source linux-headers-generic -y Sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic linux-image-extra-virtual -y Sudo apt-get install libopenblas-dev liblapack-dev -y Setup and grab the necessary files needed for kernel injection of the Nvidia Sudo update-alternatives -install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-6 10 Install an older version of GCC and link it Sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test -y Sudo apt-get install automake libtool make gcc -y Sudo apt-get install libmicrohttpd-dev libssl-dev cmake build-essential -y we do this in stages to ensure APT does not choke / give errors / tell us no! We now need to install a lot of packages.

best mining software for ubuntu 2017

Sudo apt-get install software-properties-common -y Lets add the necessary repository's to get the process started

#Best mining software for ubuntu 2017 password#

Set your root password issue sudo passwd root Login using the information you setup using install. simply press CTRL + Alt + F1 to get the login prompt.

best mining software for ubuntu 2017

If you see an entry referencing clean blocks. Some may need to hit CTRL + Alt + F1 to get to this screen. when it came time to add additional packages I chose the followingĪfter install is completed, the system was rebooted and I was at the login screen. The install was very simple for I changed nothing from the default settings. after about 15 minutes my USB stick was ready to go

  • using my MAC issued dd if=mini.sio of=/dev/disk2 (or whatever your USB disk) bs=1.
  • best mining software for ubuntu 2017

    this is where the fast internet connection will come in to download your OS

  • I used the mini.iso, wrote it a USB stick and started the install.
  • My build took me about 2 hours using a 250MB Comcast cable connection. Nothing special about it (no web interface or other "nice" things you get with the prebuilt OS). Recently went through my own build of a rig from the ground up.

    Best mining software for ubuntu 2017